Find a simple
solution for all your
dental problems

Our extensive network of dentists offers amazing
discounts, providing you with affordable dental care.

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Benefits you get

Take control of your healthcare

Discounted Access to Services

Save Up to 60% on your dental

Large Network of Dentists

Access over 250,000 dental practices for
discounted services.


Pay the office at the time of service—no
hidden charges.

How does it work?

As a LaaSy Health member, follow these simple steps

Call to make an appointment, and identify yourself as a
1Dental member.


The dental office shares all the appointment details with you.


Visit your dentist and show your dental card to get the discount.
Download your dental card from your profile.

Dental procedures by state

The Power of Both Plans Bundled Together

Careington 500

Dental Access

Care 500 offers you best general dentists!

Here is Exact Price list of a general dentist in your area.


Avg Price

Price with Care 500

Member Savings

Get access to specialists using dental access plan!

Here is an estimate price list for the Aetna Dental Access Network.


Atena Navigator Description

Avg Price

Price with Dental Access

Member Savings

These are a few examples of procedures you can save on! Want to see more?

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Asked Questions

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customer support at 888-522-7998
and get the assistance you need.

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